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    Tag yyc blogs


    Okay, just one puppy!  No real backstory on this one…just thought she was cute, and then the next thing I knew I saw the cutest l’il pup to color in too! How was the weekend for everyone?  I received a…

    February – already!

    Oh my gosh it’s February already!  How did this happen?  Usually January just drags for me.  So exciting! I’ve heard somewhere that January 30th or 31st is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year.  I can kind…


    So I am only slightly behind the curve on this one.  Really I’m like a week and a half ahead of it if you think about it.  Fashion week.  Again.  Not just in September.  How to get a leg up…

    easy peasy…

    So!  I had quite the week last week.  And then an interesting weekend to boot.  Let me lead off by saying that I got fantastically sick and missed two days of work.  This coincided with me being pulled into my…

    booted boho

    One last bright sketch to round out the week!  You’d think in a dress that colourful the model would have smiled more…but she wasn’t in the reference photo either.  PS if you follow me on Pinterest, you’d find out where…

    forever in blue jeans

    Happy Wednesday everyone! I guess I should have mentioned, last week after I painted my houses I got to thinking.  I still have the urge to draw my girls, but felt I was getting a little tired of watercolour.  As…

    an anniversary of sorts

    Believe it or not, it was one year ago today that I painted my very first fashion illustration.  That’s her on the left.  Her girlfriend is Blair Eadie of Atlantic Pacific.  I don’t realize how much I use her as…


    Nope, not a lady.  And no Golden Globe dresses either!  I did look.  I started sketching out Anne Hathaway, I think she was one of my faves in all her simplicity, and that short hair! One other thing I am…

    Shoe Crush: Slouchy Boots

    Who knew the Golden Globes were on last night?  Probably every one but me.  We just don’t watch TV at home!  I logged into twitter for a second and saw the feed.  If I were faster on the uptake I…

    pretty all over

    Resolution #3: try more exciting hairstyles.  I have long hair and I love it.  I think the last time it was cut and dyed was last April – don’t judge.  I was all set to get it done late in…