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    And on the inside singing the song “Runnin’ on Emptyyyy”…just me?  Well that’s fabulous.

    I am ever so grateful for having had an open weekend this week.  Somehow I got ultra focused and spent at least eight hours sitting at the computer working on the Etsy store.  This is no easy feat – let me tell you.  I have managed to go through all my paintings to date and gather a collection of about 20 works.  I’ve been learning about product photography and stock photo licensing.  I tried to leave Frank alone today and puzzle through things on my own – then called him while stuck on something that it took him about ten seconds to fix and another thirty seconds to show me a better way.  That husband of mine, I tell you!

    Alas, the product shots and scans are just the beginning.  I’m reading articles learning about how to use SEO tagwords to get found in search, and once that’s done I need to do more looking into shipping guidelines, packaging, swag for my fine future customers (you?) and if all that fails, figure out how else to get myself found on the World Wide Web.  It is quite the endeavor.  I’m writing notes to myself to remember not to get overwhelmed – that the purpose of this is to grow but to have fun.  And then I laugh – because I can tell myself to walk away from the computer but don’t settle into an alternate activity.  Classic Steph…

    In any event – these are a few of my product photos so far.  What do you think?  Do I look legit?  Would you buy from my site?  I think once it’s up and running to the best of my current ability I’ll be seeking an exchange of services.  I will offer a free set of prints from my shop for an Etsy pro to take a good look through and tell me what I need to do.  Is this you?  If so – please don’t hesitate to get in touch!  In the mean time, I’ll be here.  Trying to become a Photoshop expert, and then an Etsy expert, and then a shipping expert…and then hopefully a millionaire.  Kidding!  Hah.

    Happy Sunday evening all – here’s to a productive week ahead!

    PS – shameless self promotion – please check out the store here!  Updates to come…likely all week long 🙂


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