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    As promised…I’ve talked a lot about projects I’ve taken on around the house since starting this blog.  I thought I should start following through on a few things and show what I’ve been up to!

    My husband and I are very definitely colour people.  You know those amazing Pinterest boards you sometimes see of the house made up in a sea of neutrals, very calm and serene?  Yeah, that’s not us.  My wardrobe reflects that a little.  The house?  Not at all.  I take it as a great compliment when people come over and compliment us on the house.  It drove me nuts as a kid when my mom would get ready to paint the house, and off the paint samples with five progressively richer colours, she inevitably always chose the lightest one.


    Our bedroom was the last thing we needed to tackle in the house really.  Having a different colour in every room (no judging – we seriously do and IT WORKS) we left the bedroom alone.  I think we were too nervous to commit.  I had read that a bedroom isn’t the place for passionate and bold colours, you want to keep things calm and serene.  That threw red to the wind.  Not to mention the kitchen is already red.  In any event, we finally agreed on a dark bold purple!  Just one wall, the rest of the room is beyond tame for us and I don’t trust it’ll even stay that way for long.20131103-201245.jpg

    Also with our recent closet organization, this big black Ikea dresser is no longer needed in our lives.  We’re thinking of replacing it with something slightly outrageous but still functional…like a crazy chair for a sitting area.  I argued for a coffee maker in the bedroom…but then I was the one to finally convince Frank that the beer fridge did not belong in the living room…so I lost.

    What do you think?  I love our house.  This is perfection to me, taking something old and making it something great.  I wouldn’t trade it for the world.  Although once we have a little gang of Fowler’s and run out of space I’ll want to trade up.  But that’s a blog post for a different day.


    How about you?  Are you a neutral person, or a colour lover?



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