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    …and I resolved to return to the blogging world!

    I’ve been away one full month and this little blog is about to turn 2!  Where does the time go?  April was busy, and great.  We went away for a beach holiday, I got an awesome commission for the second year in a row with the Downtown Calgary Association, painting their Vitality Awards, and with the commission money treated myself to a full new set of Prismacolor pencil crayons!  It’s true, some women lust after clothing and shoes.  I do that a little bit but mostly after art supplies.  They’re sitting beside me smiling up in bright colour coordinated rows just begging me to play with them.

    I also have been doing some thinking and brainstorming on ways to update the blog a little and keep it a little more in line with what goes on with me on the regular.  Trying to schedule a sit down meeting with your web-developer husband is harder than it should be.  Honestly I don’t know what we’ll do when babies start to come along.

    In any event – welcome to lovely, lovely May and the sweet temperatures she is sure to bring.  I’ll be around!

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