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    Good Monday to you all!  I apologize for missing a post on Friday!  It’s been a busy weekend.  I thought surely I’d have time Friday after work to get something done, but that was wrong.  Saturday I was up bright and early to make my way up to Edmonton where the lovely Ashlee (of last week) hosted me for the day.  Somewhere in the middle of that we found time to grab a bite for lunch, then Ash showed me to The Duchess, the most delightful little french patisserie in town.  I have to confess ever since joining Pinterest earlier this year I have seen so many images of french macaroons but have never made the leap to try one.  Saturday was my first time.  And it was a-ma-ziiiing.  I highly recommend it for any other macaroon virgins out there.  My only previous experience to date has been with coconut and lemon in a loose cookie, which is far from terrible, but also very far from these delights.  Okay, so macaroons.  Try them, please!

    Sunday I was up before the sun and into my studio to paint the last three calendar months.  What a long day!  I have decided March may be my least favorite month of the year as she was the last to be painted and the hardest to select!  Man.  But lucky for me, today I am at home to put the finishing touches on the 2013 calendar and send it – finally- to print.  I also think I have failed to mention in all this time — this is all for a trade show this weekend in Edmonton!  The Comic and Entertainment Expo.  Might not be the ideal venue for the ladies, but it will be their first test drive.  And I am very excited for it!  So please, if you are in Edmonton, come check me out and pick up a few prints or cards for your next occasion!

    Happy Monday!

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