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    And how adorable are these two?  I sketched them out weeks ago and then hit a real dry spell.  I almost resorted to grabbing my prisma markers to finish them off – and have not ruled it out for future sketches.

    I think the message I want to convey with these two lovely ladies is, even though the season is probably hyping up to be crazy busy for a lot of us out there (myself included) I hope that somewhere in all that insanity you’ve found time to catch up with a friend for a hot latte and some laughter.  Try as we may, it is so easy to forget that Christmas is truly about the little things.

    I hope you are all having a fantastic week!  I finished the bulk of my shopping on Monday, and the study is an explosion of Christmas gifts and wrapping paper on one side, art work on the other.  Oi.

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