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    I know, I know.  Eloquent, right?  I’ve heard somewhere that today, January 30th, is the most depressing day of the year.  Winter has really set in.  The holidays are over, the credit card debt looms, the extra five pounds are just sitting there, New Years resolutions worn down by the lack of instant gratification…not to mention the batteries on my wireless keyboard actually just DIED in the middle of that sentence.  It’s that kind of day.  January 30th.

    I’ve had a terrible case of the January’s this last week.  Each day I dragged my sorry self out of bed and into work.  At the end of each workday I felt I had accomplished a decent amount, and even after begrudgingly dragging myself into one workout or another, I felt amazing afterwards.  Those were the small triumphs over January.  But tonight…January is winning.

    So in DIRECT defiance of this, my terrible case of the January’s…I am posting my February calendar girl two days early.  Beat that!  As with most of the months in this calendar, this one also started out organically enough and grew from there to have a story.  She’s reading…in her underwear.  Instead of a romantic Valentine’s calendar girl this year, this one is at home and cozy.  Sometimes a good book is more important than pants.  We’ve all been there.  But look at her living space!  Those bookshelves.  They exist only in the most idyllic of Pinterest photography spreads, and in the mind of the female dreamer.  So artsy.  So delicately crafted and stacked.  And in case you were wondering, that bust on the top right shelf is absolutely Miley Cyrus in profile.  I’d sketched her out the same day I painted this month.

    So my lovely ladies…kick off those pants.  February is on the horizon!

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