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    So…yesterday I had the day off work and was woken up at 4AM by the most fantastic storm.  For about an hour the bedroom was just lit up with lightning and the thunder was SO loud!  I don’t know what it is about the rain, I love it.  Makes me want to curl up inside and just…paint.  Isn’t she cute?  I had to make up the bottom half of her, but I have this thing right now for Hunter boots.  I think they are so adorable!  Frank being the amazing husband that he is actually surprised me with a pair (in bright red!) out of the blue about two weeks ago, and I was so excited to wear them outside to puddle jump in the rain.  Just one thing…given that I work out regularly and thanks in part to my dad’s side of the family, I am blessed/cursed with the most monstrous muscular calves.  So my Hunter boots are quite tight on my legs.  Nevertheless, I fully intend to rock them whenever I can…which means I will be spending the majority of the day outside in any future rain storms.  Ahem.

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