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    Well hello and aren’t we looking fabulous!

    No surprise, I continue to be an absent blogger.  Let me assure you – it is not for lack of time spent on my craft.  I have been drawing and painting so much this year, it blows me away.  You know they say small changes can add up to big things?  I don’t have a facebook account – but I did have access to Frank’s account on my iPad.  I finally just deleted the app one day.  And suddenly I was spending less time on other forms of social media and more time getting things done.  Amazing.

    And that brought me to the next step.  One of the girls whose fashion illustration blog I have followed since about 2013 posted that it was the 8 year anniversary of starting her blog.  In that time I have watched her quit her full time job, move to New York City, become managed and marketed by luxury brands and cosmetic firms worldwide, and travel – all while settling into a style uniquely her own.  It got me thinking.  While reading about it over the years it felt like something of a fairy tale, but she started that momentum on her own – no one did it for her.

    I started my Etsy shop around this time last year with no idea what to do.  It’s a lot of work – there were about 10 hours put into the back end before it ever went live.  My first sale did not come until the 2017 Calendars went live.  But that first sale was to someone who follows me on Instagram – a complete stranger otherwise.  What a fantastic feeling.  I decided recently to start putting more energy, a lot more research and even more work into the Etsy store.  I have been drawing and sharing it now seriously for five years.  I’m ready to take things to the next level.

    I have read about fear and what it means in various artistic professions.  One is being ridiculed or hated.  But equally highly ranked?  Being ignored.  Lucky me(?) – I’ve been ignored largely online for about five years.  That scab has healed.  So with that – time to put myself out there.  Like really out there.  This image is the new banner for the store – I’m trying to evoke the sense of magic I feel when I look at the world so often.  My about page in the shop has been updated, and Frank and I will be doing a photo shoot to end all photo shoots in the very near future to attach my face to the name behind Design by Streetlight.  In FIVE years of doing this I have managed not to have a single professional photo taken of me.  Good grief.

    So that’s all for now.  Wish me luck!  Any words of support and encouragement and especially advice would be very welcome right now.



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