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    I can’t pinpoint exactly when it started happening.  I was always looking for fashion figures to draw, but started stumbling across really cute pictures of kids so I’d pin those too.  Small disclaimer though – those images you see all over Pinterest of three and four year old children dressed all fashionably like they’re the Kardashian’s or something?  Not a fan.  Kids need to be kids – let them run around and get dirty.

    So.  I was freshly onto the blog of Lisa Anchin and loving her illustration style.  Inside me beats the heart of a one day children’s book illustrator, I just know it.  What I’m waiting for is either a writer needing someone to illustrate for them (universe, I am calling to you!) or children of my own, which I feel will inevitably spark the creative fountain in me to remember the way you thought about the world as a small child, the sheer magic of it, and start creating my own stories.

    I painted this little one back in April I think and never got to posting her.  I was trying to make her just slightly more toonish than my normal style, to play around.  I’ll keep going, but I was happy with her form otherwise – I just need to figure out my own methods for facial features.

    There you be!  Happy Saturday all.

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