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    these guys are my instructors in capoeira – responsible for making me so damn hardcore…

    I made it out of Vancouver in more or less one piece! Saturday morning while fighting my absolute hardest…okay during a regular drill in class…I fell and dislocated my elbow. What a nightmare. Luckily, it was my right arm and I happen to be left handed. I can’t imagine what I’d be going through right now had I hurt my dominant side – as it is I can barely manage to scrape my hair back this week – I would have had to teach my husband to do my makeup for crying out loud.

    Nevertheless, I survived. I got a new cord, drove home Monday, and now things are finally calming down. Tuesday evening for the first time in a month, I did not have a crazy list of things to accomplish. I told myself to take the night off, relax as needed, and to go to bed early. Instead I spent some time perusing my September issue of Flare (couldn’t find Vogue – is it sold out??) sketched this lovely lady in the cape, and even hit the gym. So crazy. I even had a solid night’s sleep to top it off, and then made it to capoeira today, where I completed a class with one good arm. See – anything is possible.20130904-222422.jpg

    Now I can settle in to September, and start eyeing the list of goals in front of me. Ready?

    I have a girlfriend Falon who is turning 30 this month – roughly one month ahead of me. Yes, I said it — almost 30. This time last year we talked about going to New York for a birthday present. This talk (I thought) was more or less forgotten in the span of a year, until last month we went for drinks and she told me she’d booked the trip. There was also one spot left. So I threw caution to the wind and my husband to the…cats (we don’t have dogs) and bought myself a plane ticket! And guess what? I emailed Inslee Haynes – the girl who inspired me to start this blog in the first place. I’m meeting her – in New York, at her studio – in less than a month! Which means I have approximately three weeks to finish my 2014 calendar before heading out there to meet her – because I want to give her one as a gift. AAH!

    Maybe September won’t be as calm as I was envisioning after all.

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