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    Blog Post Template

    can literally apply this to ANYTHING

    Good Morning and Happy Monday!  I wondered how to follow up on a post like my previous one and can definitely say that caused some hesitation before I was ready to post again.

    Thanks so much for those who got back to me, either through email or comments on the blog.  I’m grateful for your suggestions, and promise, this is not the end of my illustrations!  I made up a rough editorial calendar to see me through to the end of the year, with the basic idea of alternating illustrations with lifestyle posts.  It may be a little touch and go for a while, but I think by January I should have a solid rhythm down.

    I wanted to share the above quote to start the week out on a good note!  I had a few chances to play around with typography this week and it was an excellent excuse to visit my Pinterest board for quotes that really speak to me – and this is one of them.  I haven’t gone more than a few days without picking up a pencil or brush the last two years and even if I did take time off, it’s always in the back of my head.  This quote made me feel like I don’t want to give up – my style is still emerging and something great will come of all of this.

    What quotes inspire you?


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