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    Yet another fashion blogger I fell across on Pinterest.  I thought it was comical the way she was posed with her coffee cup – don’t we all feel that way sometimes – like we’re hanging onto our caffeinated beverage for dear life to survive the next eight hours?  Just me?  Sorry, sidetracked.  Meet Maria of Kitties and Couture, from San Fransisco.  This image randomly came up on Pinterest and directed me to her site.  I didn’t realize until much later it was from December of last year!  And here I was starting to contemplate a fur vest.  Not super seriously…they just seem cute on the right people.  Perhaps I’ll stick to my simple black basics.  However, Miss Maria it was a pleasure to stumble across you!

    Well it took me the full week but I am nearly back to fighting form following my bout of sickness.  You wouldn’t believe how quick muscle tone drops off you when you’re too sick to work out – I have this pair of knee high boots from last year that I’ve been lamenting over – see me with my muscular calves had split the back zipper up the side (over flexing…it’s a thing)  but with all the sleep, lack of appetite and no dance-fighting for a solid week, they slid on with ease earlier today.  I was a little too happy about that.  What’s on the agenda for the weekend?  I’m thinking we might finally get that Christmas tree up!   December after all…just around the corner!


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