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    Let me just start this post off by coming out and saying… I am disgustingly sick right now.  Like, my loving husband, after giving me flu medicine and Vicks vapo-rub before bed last night, had to sweetly ask me to turn my face the other way to breathe because I’m so congested, achy and moaning sick right now.  Did that even make sense?

    And I am feeling so robbed.  This was my three day weekend.  After braving the SAD of last week and surviving triumphantly until Friday, I woke up Saturday morning and knew I was going down.  We even went to start our Christmas shopping.  I made it through one solid lap of CrossIron mall with my husband and brother-in-law Saturday before finally giving in mentally to the aches and chills I was trying to ignore.  After that it was game over.  Do you know what I did all weekend?  I spend three days on our couch in my sweats, alternating between chills and feverish sweating and watched all five Twilight movies.  That’s right.  Today was the first day I felt well enough to start painting again.  It’s a sad, sad weekend when I do not even venture into my study to get some time in on my artwork.  But as a funny aside, I found this girl again.  I went through a marker phase at the beginning of the year where I gave watercolor a break for a while and spent a bunch of time with my Prismacolors and my sketchbook.  Because I was feeling so gross today, I carted said sketchbook and markers down to the sofa to sketch, and found her hidden amongst my finished and previously blogged stuff.  I totally forgot I sketched her back in March or something, when I was first coveting a pair of these festive winter tights.  I just never got around to the color side of things, and then probably it started to warm up so she didn’t seem seasonally appropriate, and finally I forgot about her altogether.

    I wish I looked this good sick.  I don’t even want to show you the real me right now.  Let’s just say I’ve just gone two days without attempting to get dressed or put any makeup on. I am barely scraping by.


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