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    Hello internet world!  Sorry for abandoning ship for nearly a month.  It was needed and welcomed.  In my quest not to let Christmas get stressful this year, I just stopped one day.  Stopped blogging, stopped painting, I didn’t even finish a Christmas card.  I walked out of my study and to be honest, waited until today to walk back in again.  I have my suspicions on what’s been making the artists block pop up but I will save those for later.  In any event, I’m ready to be back here now.

    Thanks to all of you who bought my 2014 Calendar – it’s really heart warming to me to see those who came back to get one a second year, and the small ring that it expanded to in the year also.  I found while painting the calendar that January and December were the hardest months to come up with something to paint.  December because it’s a finale, and you want to look amazing, and January because it’s always been a fresh start.  In finally following that line of thinking, she was born of this.  What do I like to imagine for myself at the beginning of a new year?  Looking sleek, organized and ready to take on the world.  That’s why the sun is still coming up in the background – this one got an early start on the day you see.  Coffee nearby, iMac ready to take on the world and her handwritten day timer in front of her (because I still like paper in my life too).

    I’m back to work on Tuesday after an extended two week break, and looking forward to getting back to be honest.  My husband and I rang in the New Year in style out in Vancouver, as has been our tradition to date, but then caught a flight home at 7AM to Calgary.  Ouch.  After a day devoted to not leaving the couch and indulging in one final horrific meal of greasy Chinese food, I’m feeling ready to properly embark on the new year.  I’ve been back to regular workouts, eating habits and I am slowly cleaning out my house of clothing, art supplies and life products that have amassed over time but no longer serve me well.  It’s good to be back.

    So welcome back to my blog!  Happy New Year, happy Saturday, and best of luck on getting your own kick-ass goals in order for the New Year ahead.

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