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    So!  I had quite the week last week.  And then an interesting weekend to boot.  Let me lead off by saying that I got fantastically sick and missed two days of work.  This coincided with me being pulled into my manager’s office at work and being told that I am acting in the senior position that I have been vying for for the next ten weeks!  Effective immediately.  I must have been so excited that my body was like *flu bug!  Yes!  hah.

    Thursday was a flat on my back, achy all over write off, but by Friday I had progressed to sitting up in bed with my sketchbook to colour.  And I coloured this cute thing!  She makes me feel hopeful that spring is around the corner.  Although technically it would be in like…ten weeks when my stint in my new position terminates…but nevermind that.  I also had a left handed fail (I have mentioned that I’m a lefty, yes?) and created her on the back and upside down of another sketch I had ready to render!  Damn.  I’ll get over it.  And draw that sketch again, she was really going to be cute.

    So that gets me to the weekend.  My wonderful husband Frank works from home as a web developer, which put him exactly 24 hours behind me for getting sick.  We rang in the weekend with some ten PM bedtimes and a Pinterest trick that involved tacking an empty kleenex box to a full one so that you have a place to put the soiled ones.  Yes this should be the dumbest thing ever.  Yes it worked fantastically.  And yes…we went through FIVE boxes of kleenex.

    How much more excitement can you take?  I’ve got another paragraph to go at least.  We’re planning to renovate our upper bathroom at the end of February.  New tub, toilet, flooring, the works.  We bought our bathtub on Saturday, which is currently standing up in my study looking…okay it’s in a box, so not really looking like anything, but I’m stoked on it so take it.  And then, due to all the time I’ve had to spend on Pinterest, Sunday I decided to get really crafty, attempted my own homemade granola bars, and my own laundry soap.  The soap takes 24 hours to gel but if it works, going off the calculations I found on Pinterest, that batch should last me one year.  I may never buy Tide again.

    That’s all of it!  How was your weekend?

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