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    And a lovely day and half so far it has been!

    Are things looking a little cleaner around here on the site?  Yes they are.  Are they going to get even better?  I think so!

    My wonderful husband and I were up at the crack of 7:30AM-ish (on a Saturday!) ready to carpe-the-diem in all manner of things.  We worked out.  We made green smoothies for breakfast.  Then I watched in rapt attention over his shoulder while he cleaned up my site.  I love that man.  Really.

    Doe-eyed, loving wife attitude aside, seriously I like the new look of things.  I was humming over it for sometime knowing the site needed to be cleaned up and modified.  I was thrilled to realize that as with most things in life, simpler was ultimately better.  No more portfolio page of work that is now nearly ten years old.  No more broken store link.  We still need to update some photos, and I want to post a few links to that Brazilian dance-fighting thing I occasionally go on about, but we’re on our way.

    So here’s my Calendar Girl for May.  I haven’t painted any ladies now since the end of 2014, and I am starting to miss them just a little.  I love the architectural feel my work is taking on, and I’m so much looser in my drawing and painting these days, but I’ve noticed I’m starting to seek out potential months for the calendar for 2016 – so who knows, there could be 2 calendars to choose from this year – eep!

    All for now – have a wonderful Saturday!

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