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    What I wouldn’t give to look this cute and cozy right now.  Look at her!  Sock bun in perfect order, cute sweater and skinny jeans and clearly it is warm enough to venture out for coffee sans coat and in flats – that’s practically barefoot!  What is with this Calgary weather?  Did anyone else see the weather report last week that said it would get up to 11 degrees Tuesday?  Because I did!  You know what did happen?  Minus ten.  I had to change my coat selection first thing yesterday morning while staring bleary eyed at my phone and trying desperately to wake up.  Awful.

    This seems to be one of those weeks, you know?  Let me elaborate…Monday evening I got kicked in an already swollen ankle at capoeira, so I am rocking what is practically a club foot on the left side.  Tuesday I slept in, I had an important lunch meeting and an outfit planned which I had to switch up last minute (way to go weatherman…) and then my sock bun refused to stick to the sock…and somehow this managed to keep me a mess for the remainder of Tuesday.  I managed to drag myself into my second to last Portuguese class…late…and home to study.  For what you ask?  An interview.  I have an interview for a senior position at my work today.  Along with apparently a dozen other equally qualified coworkers.  So wish me luck!  I’m seriously debating forgoing capoeira tonight for a full bottle of wine and an evening of oblivion.  I’ll keep you posted.   Almost Friday, right?

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