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    Blog Post Template

    Ooooh hai.

    Three week blogging hiatus.  It happens.  To be honest, I alternate between struggling against my creativity and choosing to ride it out.  Given that I spend a decent amount of time doing physical activity, I frequently find the two are at war with each other – be creative or be physical.  I’ve been riding the physical wave.  However – the two had a chance to work together again!  Frank started teaching a capoeira kids class a few weeks ago out of a community centre near our place.  He’s been doing classes through the City of Calgary, but this is the first one that is entirely his own.  I’ve been helping out, not only because its fun to spend time together, but also because it imparts a good message – that girls can do that stuff too!  My niece Jeramie is taking the class and I can proudly say she’s one of the best in the bunch #braggingrights

    In any event!  Frank asked me to do some illustrations for him to use for the website as well as future fliers that go up to promote the class.   Being that he’s done all of the work on getting this website up for me (benefits of having a kick-ass web developer of a husband) and that he’s been my number one supporter with this entire artistic/blogging endeavor, I could hardly say no.  And in all of that, I had a breakthrough!

    I’ve been struggling with fashion illustration this past little while.  The message it imparts.  The type of community it seems to be from the outside.  I’ve written several drafts of blog posts on my feelings about it and I repeatedly skip around posting them, not too sure about putting my opinion out there.  Let’s just say that getting to sketch little ones for a change, in odd positions no less, brought the creative juices back to sizzling.  I think karma responded to my blogging hiatus in kind by my scanner jamming up right after I’d scanned these two images in tonight (which sucks – I had a handful more to get into Photoshop!) but for now, I’m just breathing a sigh of relief that my creative itch is back and I am ready to take pencil to paper once again.


    The second one here is a quick sketch of our cordao – similar to the belt you get in the other martial arts, it’s hard won every year to move up a colour.  I’ve just sketched it out in pencil and Frank will play with it in photoshop to show the cord progression for his group as a student moves through the ranks.

    I’m not too sure where my posts will be taking me this next little – I have completed fashion illustrations to post, and I did a few other paintings of some kiddos – and actually wanted to mention, I stumbled upon another illustrator this weekend!  I had one of her images pinned into my Pinterest board on illustration envy for….ever and finally followed the link through!  Check her out here – and Lisa if you get a chance to read this post, I just want to thank you again for sharing your work with the blogging world – I spend HOURS reading through your blog this weekend!

    Happy Monday all!


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