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    I know, I know…the blogging schedule really does leave something to be desired.

    I’m still on a bit of a leave from work.  The normal Type-A part of me thought I would be efficient as all get out, maximizing the time off, working tirelessly on new pieces and maybe even finally following through on the make-over this poor blog so desperately needs.  Alas – grieving.  It’s my first time.  And it is awful 🙂  Frank and I were out of bed early today to carpe-the-diem, and things were going swimmingly.  Until he innocently turns on some music to work to, and every song reminds me of my mom, and it hurts in this unbearably sweet way.  I went back to bed.  Then got up and got dressed.  Then laid down for a nap.

    But THEN out of the blue one of our friends shows up at the front door (kind of my fault, he texted first…I think my phone was upstairs under the bed) to buy my LAST 2015 DBSL Calendar!  How lovely!  He said I have a new fan.  I’m amazed.  This poor neglected blog has not brought me the attention and exposure I’d hoped for – blame my refusal to play the social media game, my laziness on Facebook and my inability to come up with witty 140 character or less banter on Twitter.  Whatever.  I am totally taking down that Facebook page anyway.

    BUT.  The real lesson of this impromptu visit – it woke me up.  Made me realise there are people out there who see my stuff and it is speaking to them.  SO thanks!  I’ve totally gone off the fashion illustration course, and I’m happy about it.  The things I draw now are for me – they’re things I like, things I want to get better at.  Urban sketching found me online long after I was spending hours perusing the internet for reference work and methods to work from.  Maybe because I was finally ready to see it?  So – this is a sketch I did while my mom was in hospital.  I had come home one night, drained from the day, lazing on the couch and popped open my iPad, and as had been happening so frequently, saw some more Urban Sketchers images appearing on my Pinterest feed.  Finally it had the effect I needed – I got up off the couch, grabbed my sketchbook and stopped on the first image that caught my eye on Pinterest.  And this is the result.

    Still playing around with white space, still trying not to drown my images out in colour…and thirsty to keep going.  So thanks for the wake-up call today Nick.  Time to get my ass back to colouring.  And sharing it with you!

    On a side note…I haven’t checked the google site visits on this thing in well over a year – but I suspect most people who come to this page do so because they know me.  It’s worth noting if you’re not familiar – I’m a lot more active (hahaha….) on Instagram – you’ll find a lot more of my work there.  Feel free to follow!

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