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    The good, the bad and the ugly.

    I finally got my computer back from my darling Papa Bear.  It was an interesting week not having access to a laptop at will.  I resorted to stealing Frank’s iPad in the meantime to get things done.  As for blog posts, I’d create them on the iPad and then snap a picture with my phone.  The scanner is thankfully up and running now as I was hit with a wave of git’er done syndrome late Sunday evening.  I re-installed the hardware for my scanner, set my preferences on the computer, downloaded the Day One journaling app on my phone…which has led me to an impasse.  Apple, as much as you irritate me to no end with your complicated interface that whisks away when I move the mouse to the wrong side of the screen (seriously?!)  I now have inescapable…Mac cravings.  I want an iPad of my own, and now a big sexy desktop of my own as well.  I’m living in a dream world where everything syncs to everything else, and I don’t have to delete my music library to update my phone, and the laptop no longer takes up precious space where I need room to paint.  It’s a fantasy world I am living in, let me say.

    Other productive things I did this weekend included cleaning the house top to bottom, hosting the husband’s half of the capoeira family to watch the UFC fights – did anyone see them??  Seriously Anderson Silva, what were you doing out there?  Never thought I’d see the day in my life where I could ask that with some small air of ‘I know what I am talking about’ authority…back to productivity here – creating my own glass cleaner, cleaning all the windows in the house which then led to taking a screwdriver to our patio doors and jamming said doors…thanks to Frank for fixing those…and realigning my blogging goals.  Not so much blogging itself as the business I am trying to make of my artwork.  Ways to push myself and bring in new readers.  You know.  Things I talk about but rarely follow through on 🙂

    I am also placing a print order tomorrow morning to get prints off to a few people who’ve requested them.  Seriously, what have I been doing with myself?  Ugh.

    For those of you who made it down to the grounds, good on you.  I don’t know that we’ll make it to the Stampede this year.  I have windows to clean and goals to write down and UFC fights to contemplate.  Excuse me.  And as for the illustration below?  Well.  She’s a pretty girl in a rainstorm, what do you want from me?

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