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    I have to be honest, the last few months have been so irregular for me in so many ways. Even the month before the big trip I was working so much on all the pieces for the Vitality awards, I completely put my regular girls out of my mind. Sunday morning I cozied into my study, full coffee in hand and cats at my feet, and it took me a little while to even find which sketchbook I’d been working in. I couldn’t remember which size I’ve been drawing my ladies at, because I used such a small sketchbook while we were away (okay it was 8 1/2 x 11 – for me that is small), and when I did locate my book, it was a shock to see the last marker drawing I did was my little warrior – which I think I drew in March! I remember now that I switched back to paint for a bit.

    THEN I logged into Pinterest and was paralyzed again in selection – I can’t do ladies that look too fall forward, it’s totally the wrong season! When did I pin that old lady doing yoga? That man in a suit? Those colour blocked stilettos? Cute, but really?

    My goals for artistic output always reshape themselves a bit when I don’t have access to my regular materials, and this trip was no different. I’ve had a board with a blank 2′ by 3′ piece of watercolour paper mounted on it sitting against a wall in my study staring at me for months now. Have I drawn on it? No. I’m scared of it. What if it doesn’t turn out to be a masterpiece? I can ignore that in a sketchbook. In a book if I paint an ugly picture, I can just turn the page. It’s quite literally out of sight out of mind. I read a book at some point that I’m not even sure I finished called ‘The War of Art’ (yes, a twist on the Art of War) and the author there made mention that even Hitler was accepted into school for art and architecture, but did not finish for one reason or another. He said to put it one way, it was easier for Hitler to start World War II than it was for him to face a blank canvas. Pretty powerful, huh?

    That’s me a little right now. So to calm my nerves, this was my selection for a Sunday sketch and my first attempt at returning to normal drawing routine. Late afternoon – she’s a bit of a flower child from what I’ve seen on her instagram feed, but this was a nice look for early summer and gave me some peace of mind that I can return to normal (for me) artistic practice and keep on keeping on.

    Sorry she’s late, still can’t seem to get my computer to read my scanner. IPhone photos it is. Happy Wednesday!


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