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    Meeting Premier Rachel Notley! Just popping on here to say hello to anyone who may be finding their way here this weekend following the Art from the Unknown show taking place at McDougall Centre in Calgary.

    Welcome to the site! My blog is not updated too regularly but be sure to check out my Instagram and if you like my work, there is a good selection of my prints available over here on Etsy.

    So! It’s been a whirlwind of a year so far and we still have a few months left to go! What else can I get up to before 2018 closes out? It started with getting my work up at Cafe Rosso down on Stephen Avenue for the month of January, moved into teaching watercolour and urban sketching classes out of Recess Shop in Inglewood, to having my prints carried for the first time in a store – Outside the Shape, run by the powerhouse that is Francesca out of Inglewood also and then last night I met the Premier. Beat that!

    To anyone reading this right now…just say yes. If you are just starting out, or are feeling stuck and don’t know what the next step is…I don’t have things figured out either. I am just continuing to show up, to keep putting my artwork out there and just keep taking that next available step. The coles notes of my story is that this blog began as fashion illustration back in May of 2012. Several years of putting out content to an invisible audience has helped me become braver with showing my work and to stand more comfortably in my place – not to mention adding hours and hours toward that 10,000 hour goal.

    I have two watercolour workshops coming up soon at Recess Shop in Inglewood if you’re interested in trying it out and spending a few hours with me! Classes are small – usually about 12 people and you will leave with an excellent base kit to get yourself started on the road to sketching. Otherwise, keep checking back here, or on my other social media platforms to see what I’m up to! This site may also be getting a facelift soon too 🙂

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