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    A sunny Monday morning and a day off to boot, can this get any better?

    Sorry for being absent lately, last week was a frenzied struggle of putting together a poster for PaperGirl and creating my March submission for, the downtown Calgary blog.  I’ll let you know when it posts!

    We also drove out to BC to visit the in-laws for Easter.  As always when around my Brazilian mother-in-law, I ate non-stop for three days.  She makes wonderful food in abundance, and always things that we don’t really eat at home, namely this coconut bread that she makes from scratch.  I may or may not have had an entire loaf of that to myself over the course of the weekend.  We don’t even eat bread at home.  Honestly I even mark days on the calendar where I’ve gone completely gluten free.  So here I am, Monday morning, nursing my coffee and quite possibly an extra pound or two from the weekend.  But as always, I am vowing to hit the ground running this month both literally and figuratively.

    We leave next month for our big South East Asia trip which will be capoeira endowed to the nth degree.  Simply put I’m training hard all month so that when I train even harder next month on the beach in less clothing, I at least look awesome 🙂   What are your goals for April?

    Also on my plate: creating wedding invitations for a coworker – and all because I gave her one of my Christmas cards, how crazy is that?  And potentially my first big commission – but I won’t say anything just yet.  All I will say if I do get it is that this will be quite a busy month to get things out on time.

    Happy Monday and Happy April fools!  I’m off to sketch for myself before the real work starts for the day!

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