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    Good morning!  Happy January the Fourth!

    New calendar, new year.  There’s always a story behind each month.  Last year I can recall creating a girl in a killer pencil skirt in an office setting, ready to take on the world.  I loved the image, but I remember by the end of January I was like…ugh…bite my butt!  So this year, start the year off slow.  Spend the day in your yoga pants, and curl up on the couch with your cup of tea, a good book, and your cat.  Or dog.  I’m a cat person.

    So the question remains, what are your new years resolutions?  I am happy to say mine are mostly intrinsic this year.  Solidify my habits for spending time on my art work, continue to devote time to capoeira and yoga.  This past year has been a lesson in living with less.  I’ve enjoyed it so much.  As is tradition for my husband and I, we rang in the New Year with friends out in Vancouver.  We went out one day to do our usual shopping trip, but this year I actually didn’t buy anything.  In simplifying things over the past year, I’ve started enjoying owning less.  I might even make it into a challenge for myself, to see how long I can go this year without purchasing anything.  No end date in mind, just an ongoing conscious effort.  Might be interesting.

    I also had some time to spend on what I want this blog to become.  The answer, I was pleased to discover, was also less.  I want to clean it up, get all my links working again (hah!) but largely just take it back to being a platform to share my art.  And work on the art itself.  That’s what I really wanted in the first place.  I spent a lot of the second half of last year experimenting more with my style, and I feel like I’m moving in a new direction, one that suits me quite well.  I’ve also been trying an exercise of sketching for ten minutes a day, with no particular subject matter in mind, just whatever is in front of me at any given moment.  It’s making me feel so much more creative.  We were walking past a fire hydrant in Vancouver on our last day there and I was struck with the urge to sit down and draw it.  Creativity is great that way, and it’s so true that the more you use, the more you find.

    I’ll leave with that thought for the day – and lastly just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to those purchasing calendars again this year!  I was on the fence right up until the end of whether it would actually come to fruition and I am so pleased that it did.  The link for my store is broken, but if I’ve missed anyone, please feel free to leave me a message in the comments and I can get back to you about purchasing a calendar – they’re $20, and if it needs to ship anywhere exotic we can work something out.

    Thanks readers!  Happy New Year!

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